Ipswich Manor Ballroom was the first of the last run of gigs finishing off this UK tour, a fancy affair of a room with green panels and mirror balls , but alas no stage electricity available for some time on arrival. Matters were made worse/more hilarious when we discovered our dressing room upstairs was next to the social club bingo and Mr drew got most vexed when an old lady told him he couldn't use their toilets and that he should 'tell his friends too' (probably an imagined army of mohawk guitar warriors) Everything came together though and after a plethora of interviews we took to the stage. Milly performed what I have to say was one of the best dives I've ever seen across the stage to hit my tuner right on cue for the first resounding note of Happy Halloween saving the day after my increasingly zealous banter with the sex shop owning hair windmiller and bi sexual admirer who were battling out pole position centre front audience. The folk in Ipswich were a right horny bunch! Very sweet. not sure about the creepy dolls in the kitchen though. and always a thrill to see fans wearing their DSF shirts. Oh yes and on this day I received an e mail offering me a G&L endorsement so i was ecsatic. I've been lusting after a 'real' G&L for ages. Next day my knees were pretty bruised from some of the stage antics i've been doing, and now they're even worse, night after night kneeling at the altar of rock and generally throwing shapes like there's no tomorrow. Margate was a wierd little gig, what is it with seaside towns? I don't think this one was promoted at all. We had a small but passionate audience and I poured my frustration into my performance for the lovely possee who'd seen the gig in Kerrang! During my stay in London I'd bought myself an amazing hat from the fetish shop accross from the hotel. It's called the Boss Grog hat and I used it to full potential the day of the Joiners gig in Southampton hehe. We had an ace interview and photoshoot with the wonderful Devolution magazine. It was also Frazers birthday so we snuck off and all signed a card and got him some posh plonk. Black sonic played a great set at the joiners and I could tell it was gonna be a hot one by the sweat pouring off them when they came off. By the time we played it was absolutely rammed and I shocked everyone by not wearing a catsuit. Feathers and a Boss grog hat are sometimes all you need. Milly became my 'towel-bitch' for the night and i had him come mop my brow mid set. This tour has been quite testing with the PAs and monitors more often than not throwing up problems, and tonight was no exception as someone had wired the monitors the wrong way round and I didn't have any at all for two songs. then it got fixed and suddenly it was deafening. hey ho, that's how it goes sometimes.No one could tell judging by the response.Anyway, what a totally awesome night! Thankyou all cos it was a real high. I had my knees kissed and my bass neck stroked, we really felt the love. Even my sweaty towel was nabbed for me to sign later. later we all sang happy birthday to Frazer and highly embarassed him, lots of us ended up spilling into a club. The last gig of the tour was in Hastings and it was a very emotional show because we all knew it was the end and we wouldn't be seeing any more of Black Sonic. they've been such a pleasure to hang out with and see each day, and always did a fantastic job of warming up the crowds. I will have one or two of their songs running thru my head for some time.We're all looking forward to catching up with them in Lichenstein on July 3 for the festival.One of my brothers came to the gig and gave me Dave Lee Roths autobiography so I'm sorted for entertainment now! While we played our final set the boys were standing to one side of the stage feeding Mr Drew and Al shots throughout the set, Drew got completely wasted it was great. I didn't really need anything cos I had the ladies curse and i 'd taken these wierd acid tablets the doctor gave me which make me feel damn high.Now we're back in London and in the monring we head off to Finland to play Helsinki and Tampere, then Talin in Estonia. I'm looking forward to the next chapter, but we'll miss BS and Milly too and wish we'd smuggled them along in our suitcases.People are starting to see the video on Scuzz now which is really exciting, it should also be on Kerrang tv in the evenings from this week.ps Thanks Stijn and Eliane-Al is stoked with his Dutch So Fluid shirt :D
Sunday, 30 May 2010
Ipswich Manor Ballroom was the first of the last run of gigs finishing off this UK tour, a fancy affair of a room with green panels and mirror balls , but alas no stage electricity available for some time on arrival. Matters were made worse/more hilarious when we discovered our dressing room upstairs was next to the social club bingo and Mr drew got most vexed when an old lady told him he couldn't use their toilets and that he should 'tell his friends too' (probably an imagined army of mohawk guitar warriors) Everything came together though and after a plethora of interviews we took to the stage. Milly performed what I have to say was one of the best dives I've ever seen across the stage to hit my tuner right on cue for the first resounding note of Happy Halloween saving the day after my increasingly zealous banter with the sex shop owning hair windmiller and bi sexual admirer who were battling out pole position centre front audience. The folk in Ipswich were a right horny bunch! Very sweet. not sure about the creepy dolls in the kitchen though. and always a thrill to see fans wearing their DSF shirts. Oh yes and on this day I received an e mail offering me a G&L endorsement so i was ecsatic. I've been lusting after a 'real' G&L for ages. Next day my knees were pretty bruised from some of the stage antics i've been doing, and now they're even worse, night after night kneeling at the altar of rock and generally throwing shapes like there's no tomorrow. Margate was a wierd little gig, what is it with seaside towns? I don't think this one was promoted at all. We had a small but passionate audience and I poured my frustration into my performance for the lovely possee who'd seen the gig in Kerrang! During my stay in London I'd bought myself an amazing hat from the fetish shop accross from the hotel. It's called the Boss Grog hat and I used it to full potential the day of the Joiners gig in Southampton hehe. We had an ace interview and photoshoot with the wonderful Devolution magazine. It was also Frazers birthday so we snuck off and all signed a card and got him some posh plonk. Black sonic played a great set at the joiners and I could tell it was gonna be a hot one by the sweat pouring off them when they came off. By the time we played it was absolutely rammed and I shocked everyone by not wearing a catsuit. Feathers and a Boss grog hat are sometimes all you need. Milly became my 'towel-bitch' for the night and i had him come mop my brow mid set. This tour has been quite testing with the PAs and monitors more often than not throwing up problems, and tonight was no exception as someone had wired the monitors the wrong way round and I didn't have any at all for two songs. then it got fixed and suddenly it was deafening. hey ho, that's how it goes sometimes.No one could tell judging by the response.Anyway, what a totally awesome night! Thankyou all cos it was a real high. I had my knees kissed and my bass neck stroked, we really felt the love. Even my sweaty towel was nabbed for me to sign later. later we all sang happy birthday to Frazer and highly embarassed him, lots of us ended up spilling into a club. The last gig of the tour was in Hastings and it was a very emotional show because we all knew it was the end and we wouldn't be seeing any more of Black Sonic. they've been such a pleasure to hang out with and see each day, and always did a fantastic job of warming up the crowds. I will have one or two of their songs running thru my head for some time.We're all looking forward to catching up with them in Lichenstein on July 3 for the festival.One of my brothers came to the gig and gave me Dave Lee Roths autobiography so I'm sorted for entertainment now! While we played our final set the boys were standing to one side of the stage feeding Mr Drew and Al shots throughout the set, Drew got completely wasted it was great. I didn't really need anything cos I had the ladies curse and i 'd taken these wierd acid tablets the doctor gave me which make me feel damn high.Now we're back in London and in the monring we head off to Finland to play Helsinki and Tampere, then Talin in Estonia. I'm looking forward to the next chapter, but we'll miss BS and Milly too and wish we'd smuggled them along in our suitcases.People are starting to see the video on Scuzz now which is really exciting, it should also be on Kerrang tv in the evenings from this week.ps Thanks Stijn and Eliane-Al is stoked with his Dutch So Fluid shirt :D
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I have to admit, metal aint normally my bag, but having managed to catch you in The Crypt, Hastings (I was the DJ taking over) I was pleasantly surprised... The music was tight, and the off song banter with the, albeit small, crowd was nice to witness! So many bands / singers are so far up their own arse, they barely say a word between songs... you were the opposite and it turned me around to be fair!
ReplyDeleteWas also funny chatting to the Bradford dude at the end of the night. His name escapes me, but he and the others were a good crack!
Good luck with the rest of this year and beyond... Steve x
PS Where's my calendar? Everyone else got one! lol
Love the t-shirt... but I want a new one from the current album.
ReplyDeleteThey don't seem to be for sale on the site. I couldn't make a show (new baby and all) :( so I'm gutted I couldn't get round a merch stall and buy me some more DSF goodies!