Hey! the last five days have been a great adventure in the history of Die So Fluid. Talk about battling against the elements, I mean, I know it's our ethos to overcome and excel whatever's thrown in our path but who would've thought we'd schedule this trip so perfectly for the arrival of heavy snowfall and below zero temperatures. As usual we remained undeterred and on the whole we had a miraculously trouble free time on the road. We were unable to make it to Brighton which was hit pretty bad, but all other gigs went ahead and were made all the more buzzy by the fact that you guys turned up too despite extreme weather conditions! Thanks to you all and our amazing crew who looked after us incredibly.
Thanks for the drawings, presents and cards, and general FUN and hilarity! Our appearance at Hard Rock Hell IV I can only describe as a thrill for us. It was totally like the Anvil film whe they played Japan. We were on at 3pm, the hall was massive and empty, then in the 5 minutes before we went on it literally filled entirely with 1200-1500 people! We stormed it and there's loads of people talking about it on the HRH forum, I think we made quite an impression! Thnks to Lennie, one of our biggest fans, who brought ingredients and made us a mind blowing curry in his Pontins chalet! We did 3 hours of press after the show and also recorded an acoustic version of Storm for Pheonix radio. Later we got to watch Skid Row, Hardcore Superstar, Airbourne, and even play pirate video games which was awesome.
Thanks to Resist for lending an amp when my fuse blew the other night at MohoLive. Mr Drew was an awesome soldier of rock it has to be said, cos he got a recurrence of shingles on the first day, and our team got him to a hospital for anti viral drugs which caught it in the nick of time. The new t shirt design proved very popular and we'll be adding more gig pics over the next few days, plus some film, so send yours in or post'em online!
This has felt like a very important little tour, and maybe shown a few people what we really do and that we mean serious business. See you all next year and let's watch this shit explode!! :D
~Lady G